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Webster Plumbing & Gas
in Columbia, SC

Plumbing Repairs | Gas Logs | Drain Cleaning | Water Heaters | Gas Leaks

Columbia, SC’s Source for Plumbing Services

Webster Plumbing & Gas has the trusted plumbing experts to handle your commercial and residential plumbing needs in Columbia, SC. Our company has been an SCE&G contractor since 1988, amounting to over 30 years of experienced repairs and installations for homes and businesses. We always provide prompt and effective service to resolve your plumbing dilemmas, such as gas leaks, repiping, gas log service and installation, tankless water heater installation, and more. You can trust our expert technicians to diagnose your issue and perform the necessary repairs without adding on superfluous services your system doesn’t need. From clogged drains to new plumbing appliances, Webster Plumbing & Gas handles a wide variety of common and seemingly unique situations. Our adept skills and expertise have also earned us the credential of being an authorized contractor for the electric and gas provider Dominion. Let us take care of your plumbing and gas issues, so you have one less worry and can concentrate on your daily life.

Comprehensive Care for Your Home or Business

You don’t need to fret about your commercial or residential plumbing needs when you call Webster Plumbing & Gas. We specialize in a wide array of services to address your backed-up drains and new construction. One service we’re truly proud of is installing and repairing tankless water heaters. These innovative water heaters give you a limitless supply of hot water, and they come in energy-efficient models to save you money. We also install and repair gas water heaters to keep your morning showers pleasant. Other services we offer include plumbing repairs, drain cleaning, repiping, and new installations for your new construction and remodels. If you have a gas leak, our team of technicians can find the source, assess the repairs needed, and quickly and safely resolve it. We’re available 24/7 to help you with your plumbing issues so that your system isn’t down for long, and you can live comfortably.

Call Webster Plumbing & Gas Day or Night

Webster Plumbing & Gas has technicians ready to help you at any time, day or night. You shouldn’t have to live with the danger of a gas leak or suffer the stench of a clogged drain. Anytime you have an issue with your plumbing system, or if you want to benefit from a tankless water heater, give us a call to speak with a member of our team. We also provide free estimates for new construction and remodels.


Webster Plumbing & Gas

620 Ermine Rd.
West Columbia, SC 29170


Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

24 Hour Emergency Services